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In the unfortunate event that you suffer from broken or decaying teeth, it’s recommended that you organise an appointment with a dental professional who can provide a crown that encases the tooth. Dental crowns in Perth can increase the strength of your teeth as well as improve the aesthetic appearance of the affected tooth. At Hocking Dental Care, we boast a team of dental professionals who possess the necessary knowledge and experience to provide a tooth cap procedure that meets your specific needs and requirements.


Cutting-Edge Facilities and Technologies

Our crown dental clinic has access to the latest technologies and techniques. We are fully capable of conducting treatments and procedures in a comfortable and stress-free environment. Our crowns are custom designed and manufactured in laboratories by a fully qualified dental technician. Tailored solutions are created using moulds of your teeth so that they accommodate the unique structure of your teeth and jaw.

When you visit our crown dental clinic, we will recommend a crown that takes your affected tooth and your personal preferences into account. From porcelain crowns and porcelain-bonded-to-metal crowns through to gold alloy crowns and acrylic crowns, there’s nothing we can’t help you with.

Contact Our Specialists Today

If you’re interested in learning more about dental crowns in Perth, our friendly staff can provide the information and assistance you need. Contact us today by calling (08) 9306 2755 or by sending us a message through our online contact form.

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